A la fecha 40 Estados de Europa y de Asia Central son parte del Estatuto de Roma, 26 de ellos son parte de la Unión Europea (UE). La región cuenta tambié

Los estados europeos y la Unión Europea han sido pioneros en el establecimiento de la Corte Penal Internacional y sus esfuerzos constantes son vitales para garantizar que la CPI sea justa y efectiva. Por lo tanto, la Coalición insta a República Checa a ratificar el Estatuto de Roma y a apoyar plenamente a esta primera corte permanente, independiente con la capacidad para investigar y llevar ante la justicia a los individuos que cometan las más serias violaciones contra el derecho nternacional humanitario, a saber crímenes de guerra, crímenes de lesa humanidad y genocidio.
Your Excellency:
I am writing to urge you to ensure Moldova’s ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC as soon as possible. The Court’s first cases in Uganda, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan signify that it is moving forward in its crucial work to end impunity for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Moldova’s support for this new and vital system of international justice by acceding to the Rome Statute is therefore of utmost importance.
As you well know, the Rome Statute came into force in July 2002 and now has the support of more than half of the world’s nations. With Japan’s accession on 17 July 2007, a historic benchmark of 105 states have now acceded to or ratified the treaty and 139 are signatories. The new system of international justice represented by the International Criminal Court is an important tool that will ensure that the most serious international crimes no longer go unpunished. European nations are instrumental in building and strengthening this new justice system, and their support to the International Criminal Court is vital to its success and efficiency.
The recent positive ruling made by Moldova’s Constitutional Court in October 2007, in which it stated that the Rome Statute is compatible with the Moldovan Constitution, and the Decision of the Government on approval of the ratification bill passed in December 2007, are both positive developments. Furthermore, the efforts carried out by the relevant ministries, which drafted important pieces of legislation paving the way to Moldova’s ratification, in particular, the ICC ratification bill, are encouraging. Additionally, Moldova has demonstrated its commitment to the ICC by drafting a number of amendments to the national criminal code to adjust it to the provisions of the Rome Statute.
A prompt ratification would allow Moldova to actively participate in the annual Assembly of States Parties to the ICC, during which States make important decisions in relation to the administration of the Court. Ratification would also enable Moldova to participate in preparations for the review conference of the ICC to be convened in 2009 and to actively engage in the working group on the definition of the crime of aggression. Moreover, as a State Party, Moldova will be able to participate in judiciary and other elections at the Court, and have increased Moldovan staff representation and employment opportunities at the ICC.
I therefore urge Your Excellency to submit a ratification bill to Parliament as soon as possible and to fully align Moldovan legislation with all the provisions under the Rome Statute, including ratification of the Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the ICC, and to finally become a part of this important system of international justice, along with 105 other states parties.
Prince of Septimio-Bathzabbay el Tadmur
Grand Maester of Orden Bonaria.-