Thursday, February 22, 2007


Our Company is active in the energetic sector using innovative technologies studied to allow the environmental respect, sphere that draws a remarkable interest either at political level or from the finance world and the scientific community.
The specific economic sector could be placed within the most profitable ones in the world.
The project that wish to submit to the attention of the notable Institute, so that could get the best political connotation toward a strategic development, exploi
ts the know how of few research companies as well as the patents belong to Messrs. Rosario Tulino and Santino Letizia, the shareholders of this Private Company.
The project starts from a study carried out with great intellectual exactitude since 1993, and it has generated a feasible project that could be located as an industrial answer to the environmental pollution as per Kyoto protocol.
The aim that could be pursued in short time, if support by a suitable patronage, is the carrying out of technological plants able to utilize the stocks of carbon dioxide seized in application of the scopes of Kyoto protocol. The carbon dioxide will be used for the production of strategic chemical intermediate ingredient used in the petrochemical industry.
The carbon dioxide it is the major reason of the global warming of our planet. Today its concentration in the atmosphere reaches about 379 ppm (parts per million).
In future, the increasing demand of energy due to the population increasing and the better living standards will create higher emissions of carbon dioxide. Right now in the world the total consumption of energy power is 12 tera-watt and its 85% comes from fossil combustibles.
As per such increasing it is expected by the end of the century that the carbon dioxide will reach the level of 550 ppm, equivalent to about 770 billion tons.
This increasing will cause an global warming that could be compared, as importance, to last ice age.
The Kyoto protocol binds the signing countries to seize and stock the carbon dioxide while a final destination is decided.
The carbon dioxide quotas are an exchange title at Chicago Exchange between countries and companies through a system called Clean Development Mechanism.
It is a kind of tax paid by the polluter in favour to the one that doesn’t pollute and instead make investments in new technologies environment friendly.
Even if the system could work, in case of major attention and sensibility from the countries that didn’t signed up the Kyoto protocol and if the finance world could accept the economic shrinking, a scientific study concludes that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere couldn’t be stabilized only with such situations.
Till now the political indication, that influence the scientific choices of the great institutes, are directed to find new and more secure sites where the carbon dioxide could be stored. The same political indication is toward the introduction of technologies for the production of alternative energies like Aeolian, solar, nuclear that, as a matter of fact, are to expensive to be introduced in large range.
An efficient energetic policy couldn’t be focused only on one of the possible alternatives.
At this point there is not “a clear winner” that can replace the fossil combustibles. So it is necessary to carry out technologies that could admit their exploitation and strengthening but that meantime adhere in the right way to the environment problem.
In other words the new technologies must be able to supply an industrial answer to the use of the polluting agents; an answer that could stabilize the emission of polluting agents and meantime also the “economic dilemma” that very soon will cause the fuel rationing.
A policy based only on severity, as are the rules of the Kyoto protocol, will cause the lose of industrial competitiveness of the countries more sensible that will assume the responsibility to adhere in full to the protocol rules.
The industries like electric generation companies, the cement manufacturers, the oil refineries, the steel factories are really worried; they think they have already done a lot to reduce the polluting emissions and to go further they should face untenable costs.
The European enterprises think that Kyoto protocol could be a “Troy horse” for the industries of countries like Turkey and Egypt to enter the European market as those countries didn’t signed up the protocol and their “licence” to pollute put them in a strong competitive point.
As said before, our project foresee the industrial use of carbon dioxide that could be one of the two main components of a production process to obtain an organic carbonate, renewable source by-product, to be used as subsidiary or substitute of the intermediate ingredient of the gasoline.
The final result obtainable with our patented reactor is a synthesis fuel to add to the basic gasoline in a way to obtain an ecologic iper-gasoline.
The main function of the carbonates is to supply strong reactive chemical oxygen to the combustion chamber. The other ingredients used in the product will remarkably increase the flame front.
We gave much attention to this type of molecules because they have the peculiarity to make an action of great reduction of the polluting emissions, either in the diesel engines or the gasoline engines, without show collateral negative effects like gaps of solvability, muddiness, corrosion of the tanks and of feeding circuits, low vapour tensions, low point of inflammableness that instead characterized other type of addictives.
In the formula of gasoline the organic carbonates greatly increase the antiknock capacity, while in the specific formula for diesel oil, also this one successful tested, there is a better pre-antiknock capacity helping in increasing the cetane rating.
We have also verified the total compatibility of these new formula in the gasoline engines provided with catalytic muffler or in the diesel engines with lambda probe.
The molecule in the new formula made with the use of our technology, increases in the gasoline the number of octane up to 124, an exceptional result if compared to the products that are now in the market and furthermore able to satisfy the demand of engines with low consumption and hig performances.
From the economic point of view our new formula is absolutely competitive as can cut the cost of 30% if compared with the traditional chemicals in the market at this moment. And meantime our formula grants the 100% pulling down of the polluting emission thanks to a continuous recycling system.

Our project, beside the fact that gives a concrete answer to the polluting problems, depicts a strategic economic way if we consider that the use of gasoline for vehicles could be around forty thousands litres per second.
Also it is very important to know that the raw material used in our production process is practically infinite and available at low cost and count 60% on production cost, while the remaining 40% of the production cost is represented by labour cost, energy, plant mortgage, plant maintenance).
The industrial cost of our synthesis fuel (intermediate ingredient of gasoline) is competitive id compared with the one of fossil origin.
Our price will be 0,20 Euro per kilo, while the ones now in the market cost 0,38 Euro per kilo.
It is important to note that the molecular weight is very important. In fact with 1 kilo of our product it is possible to obtain one litre of final product while with the traditional chemicals right now they obtain only 0,75 litre of product. The latter is a low performance product, less economic due to the complex end expensive production technology and over all is not ecologic.
Our schedule plan foresees the carrying out, within this year, of a modular pilot plant (we expect to make up to 10) with a daily capacity of 2 ton per module.
This pilot plant will be used as demonstrative vehicle.
With our own finances we will make up, in the petrochemical zone of Puerto La Cruz in Venezuela, the first module of two patented reactors. One will be for the synthesis of organic carbonates and the other one for the etherisation process of ethanol derived by fermentation of biomass.
The holders of this scientific research and of this project, in the aim to adopt a profile toward the active study of the energetic problem and of pollution, have carried out a study (the demand of patent has been already made) to build up a different equipment of catalytic thermal-scission of ethyl alcohol in hydrogen and carbonic oxide for the feeding of fuel cells and the direct conversion of the organic carbonates in electrical energy.
If we keep in mind that by the end of 2008 the production of ethanol could reach the capacity of 100 billion of litres, that it is not marginal compared with fossils, becomes automatic the calculation of the absolute economic value of the project.
Nevertheless remains the problem of the greenhouse gas not punctiform because it is not realistically feasible propose the seizure of such gas. Meantime also the policy of reforestation, even is praiseworthy, is not enough due to the ratio (2 to 1) between deforestation and reforestation.
To balance the actual emissions of carbon dioxide is required to plant every year trees over a surface equal the one of India.
Therefore to complete the study that can demonstrate the sensibility toward the environment and the energetic problems we have also directed out research on specific compounds, activators of photosynthesis with high capacity of seizure of carbon dioxide.
High amounts of carbon dioxide, over the 750 million tons fixed by the international agreement, can be seized in a safe manner, without make environmental imbalance, using the oceans that constitute the highest interface of exchange water/atmosphere.
We are working on a technology, called 3FCompost, that can generate a compound able to develop inside unicellular living organism (diatoms) the request of carbon dioxide necessary for their growth, determining a very modest increase of the photosynthetic activity of the sea phytoplankton.
Beside the product, an important role is carry out by the equipments and the system, that have been already designed, necessary to spread the 3FCompost over the sea surface.
The oceanic area suitable for the fertilization is estimated in about 150 million square kilometres.
If we estimate in 5 grams per square metre the quantity of 3FCompost accepted by the phytoplankton, the total quantity required will be 750 million tons.
We must determine the ration between the quantity of 3FCompost spread over the sea surface end the effective reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And to do this we need to work on a large sea area for at least two years.
From the results of the above test, it will be possible verify the real cost for the reduction of greenhouse gas.
Anyhow, without doubts, this activity will sort out more efficient compared with any other system.
This report, despite the fact that refers to true data obtained from a careful study, and the principles described come out from a scientific research and a conscientious testing.
Both are submitted only for an informative scope and the possibility of any use by the notable Institute to whom I advance from myself and on behalf of my colleagues a great thank for any action your Institute might desire to take and to assign a patronage to our projects.